Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Reflective Post

                  This semester has been a difficult one for me. Being a single parent taking two classes and working full time is extremely hard. But I made it, I didn't buckle, I now know I can do it, it can be done. I also know what to expect next semester and how to jungle my course work, my full time job and running a household with two little queens. I think this course wasn't a complete bust. I didn't do as well as I hoped or could have done. But I walk away a better student and a even better future educator.

         I have been taught that having internet access in the classroom can be a gift and a hindrance. Allowing students to work with social media can keep them interested and expand their minds. It also allows parents to be more hands on. They may be like me and have a heavy load and may not be able to stop by in person to ask questions about their child, so checking in online keeps them involved and also them to feel they have an open line of communication with me. The video below is a guide for teachers to set up a portal for parents and students to interact with the teacher and follow the curriculum along with the students. Especially if parents do not speak the native language.

Creating a class website.

       However, it's key to monitor the students online, because cyber-bullying is so prevalent in the grade level I am looking to teacher. So there are tools out their to help teachers navigate internet safely. The link Cyber-bullying helped to show me what to often expect in behaviors of my students and how to act when a situation arises,  how to try to keep it from happening and the effects of those effects.

You should lift people up.A great tool to have visible in your classroom to deter students to not bully others would be to have posters encouraging friendship, they may find it cheesy but it makes them think twice about putting someone down.


 Also I realize I need to mindful that students may have a learning disability, teachers may times don't do their research on their students. Children will be placed in the back of the class and they have a vision impairment or they may be facing away from the teacher with a hearing impairment. As an educator its up to me, to get to know my students and to insure they receive a quality education. Which means monitoring their progress, understand their habits and triggers. See what they excel at and what they need to work on. Adjust my teaching habits to reflect the diversity in my classroom and work one on one with students to make sure I do not overlook anyone. Students often times won't voice their difficulties, building a personal relationship with them, will help me come to the conclusion that they need extra help, or a closer seat, or that they need to face my desk.

            This course was an eye opener on things that I missed. It showed me that teaching is not just lesson plans, grading papers and opening minds. Its a more personal job, its showing kindness and compassion. Its helping them build a foundation to success, its helping them make a path and tools to walk it alone. I can't wait to have a class full of unique students and showing them to embrace their differences and how to use their differences as a guide and a tool for success.

                     Thank you professor for the tools to be an effective educator.


  •  Education, M. O. (2014, August 27). Build a Class Website with SharePoint Online. Retrieved May 03, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWWsURWwviM 
  •  U.S Department, H. (n.d.). What is Cyberbullying. Retrieved May 03, 2016, from https://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it/

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Digital Blog Post #E

                 After reading the textbook I choose to expand my research on the topic of "Multicultural Education in 21st Century Schools."

               The video above highlights why it’s important for educators to have a diversified lesson plan, how to embed diversity into activities and ways for students to gain an understanding as to why differences should be embraced and that their difference is something to be proud of.

             Educators should reflect their students culture into their lesson plans it allows the students to be more comfortable in the classroom and to be interactive. In the text it states, "Students at every grade level benefit from connecting school assignments with issues and concerns they are experiencing in their own lives." It's easier for students to be successful when they can apply their real-life dealings to assignments and formulas in the classroom. Your lesson plan should reflect the makeup of your classroom. Issues arise when students cannot connect to assignments on a more personal level.

         A way to implement diversity into your lesson plans is to first know your students background. I suggest on the first day handing out a get to know you assessment. Have students fill out who they are and what they represent. In the future you can reflect back on these assessments so you can modify activities for your students. Or have students illustrate a comic strip of how they seem themselves and then how they feel society sees them. And have them compare on the similarities and differences. It’s a great ice breaker you can start by presenting your own comic strip.

Look below for an example on how to illustrate your own.

Remember, "Making learning more culturally relevant requires changing what is taught and how it’s taught."

  •  Chen, Deborah, Michele Haney, and Annie Cox. "Supporting Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood." www.youtube.com. BrookesPublishing, 4 Aug. 2011. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
  •  Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Promoting Success for All Students Through Technology


                In Chapter 10 it expounds on how teachers can reach their students through uses of technologies no matter what learning curve they may have.Clicking the link, Integrating Technology in a Special Needs classroom, will give you ideas on how to reach students who have a mental delay.  Also it states in the textbook that while establishing a lesson plan with use technology, its imperative to accommodate  all your students, because they will most likely be at different levels. Teachers often forget that students may be on the same level academically but need other tools to be successful. For example you will have students from many different countries and speak different languages.Many schools have interpreters on staff in case this may happen. Tap into this resource.
However, if that's not readily available to you, there are electronic interpreters. Speak to your school board for further action. But it is imperative that you, as an educator, to see a child struggling and to find a solution that works.

           You do not want to miss an opportunity to reach you students. Creating a class web page and establishing a translator tool is a great way to communicate effectively with not only your students but parents. Because often times students may be fluent in English but parents often do not.  So I have attached below a tutorial on how to establish a classroom website. It also allows students to keep up with classwork, engage with their peers and also communicate with you one on one.

   But remember stay flexible no one teaching method will produce the same results every time. Mix it up, incorporate different techniques and activities to reach different learners. Also a tip for lesson plans when teaching a diverse class, keep in mind students will be more interested in learning when they share similarities with the subject. For example history, the class will be most likely engaged when they see a person who share the same history, or a story that mirrors theirs. Bottom line get to know your students and their interest. They are teens they are not very complex, social media is always a no brainer.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A: Chapter 1

    I want to start off by saying that I never understood why teachers chose to integrate technology into their classrooms. As an adolescent I figured they wanted an easy day so they used media to play teacher for the day. Never did I realize the effort those educators put forth for that lesson plan. An as I recall those assignments were my favorite, it gave me a challenge and kept me intrigued to continue with the project. Most students broach homework as a chore but with the use of social media and the new age technology you are reaching them on their level. Most teens are active on social media and are constantly browsing the web for entertainment, why not use this knowledge as a way to engage your students and have them actively participate in the lesson. So throughout my reading I learned a few vital tools to integrate technology in my curriculum.

       First, after only making to page 3 in the textbook I am shocked that it says statistically that 70% of children entering the second grade play video games and use internet daily. I did not know that children that young frequent the internet that often let alone know who to work the browser. The further along I read it never occurred to me that their maybe a difference is usage of social media between sexes. Though the books confirms there about the same for both male and female, now that I would have to think I would think males would use social media more for gaming and browsing the web. That's a big shocker. Before you reach that information it speaks on the age groups that use internet and I read that 97% of high school students use social media. So that shows me that is the ticket, using what motivates them most and captures their attention the longest is the best tool to use in the classroom.

      Secondly, depending on your students social status they may have not been afford the opportunity to have access to a computer, and in an effort to reach out to all your students make sure if you are integrating technology in your classroom have computers readily available to students who not have access outside of the classroom.  When I continued reading I was reminded that teaching doesn't end once class is dismissed, I can set up a webpage with homework assignments extra credit, even a portal for contact among peers to keep my students involved with their studies. Technology has afforded teachers to continue reaching students when they are no longer in physical reaching distance.

      In conclusion, I took it upon myself to find different way to use technology in the classroom, I happened upon this site that gives you list of activities you could use for your students. It's called 50 ways to Use Technology , once you follow the link it gives you varying lesson plans and what type of database is needed, such as word processing or excel charts. Below I even found a video detailing on a teacher in New Jersey who used technology in her classroom. Even taking it as far as having her homework listed on her website. 
     Clicking the video below you will be able to see what type of lesson plans she was able to use and what hurdles she had to cross using social media in the classroom. There is always an up and down side using technology in your curriculum.
 Resources: Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.